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11 Frequently Asked Interview Questions for Security Officers (With Answers)

Employers prefer candidates who are honest and conscientious about security protocols. If you’re seeking a security position, you should demonstrate to employers that you can keep their employees, facilities, and equipment secure and be prepared to answer interview questions confidently. Security officers are a company’s or property’s first line of defence. They patrol the premises, identify and investigate any security risks, and take important steps to assure the safety of the people and property within their care.

We’ve listed the 11 frequently asked security officers’ interview questions and answers to help you know what to expect.

1. What do you consider to be your main strength as a security officer?

It’s a pertinent question to understand your perception of your potential to be a strong employee and allows interviewers to learn about how you see yourself as a candidate. They seek someone competent with relevant skills who can handle this role efficiently. So, think about what you do well as a security officer to come up with a strong response. Furthermore, examine your abilities to determine which ones will assist you in keeping a region safe.

Sample example: 

“My greatest strength as a security officer is my physical fitness and alertness. For each security job I’ve had in the past, I’ve been conscientious about my physical strength and vigilance on the job. Similarly, to strengthen my skills as a security officer, I joined a physical fitness course. I want to ensure that my mind focuses on the job and that I am physically active to tackle any unpleasant situations. During my downtime, I often examine the employee handbook and consider what I would do in various scenarios. By being prepared and familiar with the regulations, I can assist in making this a safe environment for everyone.”

2. What are some of the essential skills to have as a security officer?

You should respond to this question by stating some of these important skills and explaining why they are so crucial to the success of a security officer. This question might assist the interviewer in determining whether you have the requisite abilities to succeed in this profession. Security officers must be able to think promptly, communicate properly, and remain calm in stressful situations. 

Sample example: 

“Security officers should have quick reflexes and be prepared to notice and respond to indicators of trespassing or an emergency. Further, it is essential to communicate effectively with customers and colleagues to ensure the security of everyone involved. Physical fitness and situational awareness are other essential attributes of a successful security officer. A security officer’s ability to instantly assess a situation and take necessary action is valuable. Another attribute that a security guard should have is knowledge of basic security protocols and procedures. Lastly, being organised and detail-oriented to stay on top of prospective dangers or concerns is important.”

Also Read: How To Become An SIA Licensed Security Guard in the UK?

3. What makes you stand out from other candidates for this position?

Employers ask this question to know more about your qualifications and how you can serve their company. You should read the job description carefully and enlist the work qualifications and responsibilities. Moreover, knowing the bare minimum of experience will help define your response, assess what makes you unique and identify one or two distinct characteristics from what others may bring to the table. Choose a few strengths related to your skills, use them as the base for your answer and try to predict what others will say about you. Lastly, remember to keep your response relevant to the position.

Sample example: 

“My experience as a security officer distinguishes me from other candidates, as I worked in security for almost seven years and gained expertise and knowledge. Further, it includes working with private and public sectors, which includes working as a security officer at nightclubs, concerts, shopping malls, and restaurants. I worked with diverse organisations and gained experience and an understanding of multiple security protocols and procedures.

Additionally, I have SIA certification in some security-related courses, including door supervisor, CCTV operator, and security guard. It enables the identification of potential security issues and devises mitigation solutions. Conclusively, my expertise, passion, and dedication to excellence will be a valuable contribution to your company.”

4. What would you do if you noticed someone who seemed suspicious?

Security officers should be attentive at all times, whether patrolling or on duty, to detect suspicious behaviour and take immediate action. Interviewers ask this question to figure out how to handle these circumstances safely for everyone. Explain how you would assess the issue and decide whether or not to intervene in your response.

Sample example: 

“If I noticed someone suspicious, my responsibility would be to assess the situation and everyone’s protection. When on patrol, security officers must be aware of their surroundings and vigilant to identify anything that appears unusual. Depending on the circumstances, I would approach the matter in several ways, and be on the lookout for those attempting to hide or appear out of place. While assessing a scenario, I always try to maintain a calm attitude. After I’ve analysed the issue, I’ll be able to take the necessary action depending on the information I’ve gathered. 

For example, during work hours, I’d approach the individual politely and inquire about their reason for being there. If it’s after hours, I’d be more careful and seek assistance before confronting.”

5. Do you have any relevant experience dealing with unpleasant situations?

Recruiters ask this question to ensure that you are prepared for these circumstances and know how to manage them efficiently. Security officers constantly face unpleasant situations. Share a specific example of when you had to moderate a crisis or calm someone down in your response. Describe the steps you took to solve the issue.

Sample example:

“I’ve worked longer than 24-hour shifts and know how to manage my energy when required. Maintain a healthy physical condition by getting plenty of rest before and after long hours. In my previous position, I used to resolve conflicts professionally and manage security breaches and other emergencies. I would only use a weapon to restrain someone, to defend myself or someone else. I can confront anger without becoming affected emotionally by the scenario and maintain a calm attitude that helps me respond rather than react to situations. My capability to stay composed under pressure assists in defusing hostile situations. However, my communication skills also play a role in these scenarios, as I efficiently explain policies and procedures to the team.

My previous security duty was at a carnival venue. During the event, some people started to dance aggressively and some lost their senses due to excessive drinking. At first, it looked like they were having fun, but then people started complaining. My security team and I worked to diffuse the situation by splitting up and using our radios to communicate. I observed the individuals who were being disruptive and worked together as a team to escort a few individuals out of the venue without causing a disturbance.”

Also Read: 11 Frequently Asked Door Supervisor Interview Questions (+Answers)

6. What did your prior employer say about you?

This question can also help them determine whether you are the right match for their company by giving them a better understanding of the type of employee you are. A recruiter may inquire about your connection with your past employers. If you have a strong relationship with your previous employer, reach out to them and ask how they perceived you as an employee. If you aren’t as close to them or don’t have the chance to reach out, consider how they would define you based on your contribution to their organisation.

Sample example: 

“At my last employment, I was well-known for being hardworking, and my manager was upset about my decision to depart. On my last day of service, they expressed gratitude for my time with the organisation and stated that they’d never had a more competent security officer. I believe they would define me as someone committed to my career and willing to put in extra effort during busy times. My manager also remarked on how punctual I was, not missing a duty or being late in the four years I worked there. Finally, I’d have to say that my boss would boost my spirits.”

7. What would you do if someone attempted to enter the premises without permission?

Trespassing is an illegal and dangerous behaviour that can result in vandalism, theft, and other serious consequences. As a result, a security officer should be well-trained and know what to do in the event of trespassing. Security officers are in charge of making sure that their company’s premises and employees are safe. They must be able to detect suspicious conduct, such as illegal intrusion into a building. This question assists employers in determining how you would respond in this case. Explain how you would secure everyone’s safety in your response.

Sample example: 

“When dealing with a trespasser and being a well-trained security officer, I will not overreact. Usually, you can determine whether the individual’s intentions are harmful by simply asking what they are doing on the premises. Following that, a simple and respectful request to leave the premises is usually adequate. A security officer should take immediate action, escort the trespasser the entire way off the premises, and always try to evict a witness or a partner. Lastly, I’d give a trespass warning in the presence of law enforcement, in case that individual commits a second trespass violation they can then be arrested.”

8. Are there any aspects of security that you consider require additional attention?

Your answer should indicate that you are familiar with current industry concerns and how they affect companies. The question can assist the interviewer in evaluating your devotion to security and whether you would be a suitable fit for their organisation. 

Sample example: 

“Security is a dynamic field with endless possibilities. Cybersecurity is one issue that I believe requires more attention. With the advancement of technology and the rising use of technological resources, businesses must implement a comprehensive cybersecurity program. It entails using up-to-date software, upgrading systems regularly, integrating two-factor authentication, and educating staff on best practices. Physical security is another area that may require more emphasis. Furthermore, it includes ensuring that all entrances and exits are adequately secured, keeping precious goods safe. Lastly, access control should be prioritised, restricting who has access to specific areas or information and ensuring that only permitted people can enter restricted areas.”

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9. What tactics do you use to stay alert and attentive during a shift?

Since security officers usually work long shifts, companies ask this question to ensure you have techniques for remaining alert and awake. Your response should offer a few methods for staying focused on your work. As you prepare your response, consider how you generally enhance your focus and energy by having coffee or roaming around.

Sample example:

“It is my obligation as a Security Officer to remain cautious while on duty. First and foremost, get enough rest before each shift to be well-rested and attentive during the day. Second, I need to stay hydrated and consume healthy snacks throughout my shift to maintain my energy levels. Furthermore, I take frequent pauses during my shift to clear my mind and refocus my attention to remain active and aware of potential security concerns. In my prior employment, I always made sure to get coffee drinks and energy bars before each shift. When I’m exhausted, I stretch to get my blood circulating, as short bursts of activity help me stay energetic and focused.”

10. What do you feel are the main responsibilities of a security officer?

This question will provide the candidate with an opportunity to show his expertise in this job. These answers could be found by looking at the job description and listing those skills to the interviewer. Make it clear that you understand the role of a security officer. The answer can be flung through the job descriptions which communicate the duties of a security guard. Moreover, one can convey their skills along with these duties.

Sample example: 

“The most important duties of a security guard include patrolling the areas to maintain law and order situations. Apart from this, the security guard must make sure that the people feel secure while living in the area. They should not allow any aggressive individuals to enter the area and remove potential risks from a situation to keep harmony in the space. They must communicate with other employees, visitors, and law enforcement professionals to ensure that everyone knows the security protocols and that the rules and regulations are followed.”

11. How would you tackle a situation where you needed to intervene to avoid a crime?

Security officers often use their discretion and experience to choose when to act in a scenario. Employers ask this question to ensure you have the essential skills to manage these circumstances efficiently. Explain how you would assess the issue and decide whether or not to intervene in your response.

Sample example:

“If I were to intervene to prevent a crime, my goal would be to de-escalate the situation quickly and safely while ensuring that justice is served. The sheer presence of a security officer is intended to penalise any potential criminal from committing a crime. If a would-be criminal walks into a store and sees a guard, they may rethink their plans. I’ve dealt with challenging situations and am prepared to handle any potential crisis. My first responsibility would be to assess the situation, determine the best course of action, and request assistance from law enforcement or security officers in addressing the matter.”

Also Read: What is the cost of an SIA Licence?

Get Security Officer Training from Agile Security Training!

A five-day SIA security guard course is necessary for individuals who wish to work as security guards/officers in the UK’s private security industry. Security officers keep both the public and premises safe while preventing any theft. Moreover, you can work at security companies, banks, museums, hospitals, office buildings, clubs, stores, and other licensed venues. Our trainers can assist you in completing all of the necessary prerequisites and preparing for your first security job interview. 

Or, If you’re seeking to renew your SIA licence, we’ve got your back. We offer Top-Up/Upskilling courses for SIA Door Supervisors and SIA Security Guards at Agile Security Training as well.

Get enrolled in the Agile Security Training’s security guard course to become an SIA-licenced security officer in the UK.

If you have any concerns, please contact us!


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